Paul Drexler / pfd Studios
Great looking player from Paul and Ellen Drexler. Marked lite play for the bluing in the shafts only. The butt is in excellent condition. This cue has both Paul’s signature in the points and the pfd logo on the all natural Hoppe ring. Shaft 2 was made from a 314-2 partial. Both shafts where made in Paul’s shop. The ring work at the joint and shaft collars are black phenolic-stainless-Cocobolo-stainless-black. The thin ring in the center is Cococolo and is hard to capture with the camera but looks great in real life. The veneers in this cue are brightly colored and razor perfect.
- Description
Condition: 90 % / Lite Play
Weight: 19.7 oz./ 19.2 oz.
Butt: 16.1 oz.
Length: 58″
Balance: 19″ pfd Shaft / 18 1/4″ 314-2 Shaft
Wrap: Lizard
Joint Pin: Radial / Stainless over Phenolic
Diameter: 0.84″
Shaft 1: 13 mm. / 29″ / 3.6 oz. / Natural Ferrule
Shaft 2: 12.6 mm. / 29″ / 3.1 oz.