News & Interviews

Welcome to our News and Interviews page. The purpose of this page is to inform and entertain its viewers, also to promote the games of pool and billiards.

We are always looking for news worthy articles to post, innovative products to showcase, and current information on cuemakers and cue shows.

We will be featuring interviews with cuemakers,players, and other individuals in the industry; such as product manufactures.

At Custom Billiard Cue, pool and billiards is our passion! We’re sure you get as excited about the sport as we do.

If you would like us to promote a tournament date, email us the information 60 days prior to the starting date.

Remember, our website changes daily so visit us often and feel free to email us. We’re always listening.

Custom Billiard Cue has the right to refuse anything for publication without notification.

Turning Stone Classic XXXIII 9-Ball Tournament
January 9th – 12th / Live from Turning Stone Resort and Casino in Astoria, Verona, NY
Hosted by Tournament Organizer & Director Mike Zuglan
Free Live Stream Brought to you by UpState Al Leon & AZBtv
Click on the Button Below to get to Al’s Facebook Page
When You are on Al’s Page Click on the Live Video Screen
Or Scroll Further Down on Al’s Page to View Any of the Previous Footage


20 Questions with Borana Andoni

Interview with the “Killer B” from the Bronx.
Click the Button Below to go to the
Interview and Slideshow.

20 Questions with April Larson

15 year old pool phenom from Bloomington, MN who just got back from the 2015 World Junior 9 Ball Championships in Shanghai.

20 Questions with Tony Layne

A 20 Question interview with the man
who developed one of the most sought after
Jump/Break cues ever! Click the button below.

20 Questions with Tony Sauer

20 question interview with the very talented cuemaker Tony Sauer. Also a slide show of pictures following the interview showing off some of Tony’s great cues and very diversified work. Click the button below to go to the interview and slideshow.

Great article on cue making by Thomas C. Shaw

This article is twenty years old and has probably been read by many of our viewers; but for those who have not, it will provide you with some insight on what it takes to make a quality custom cue. Click the button to view article.

Visit FrankO’s Personal Pool Room

We welcome you to take a tour through our friend Frank O’s personal pool room. He has a great collection of cues and memorabilia. Click the button below to read an interesting article and to open the slideshow.

Photo of the Week

A Glimpse Into The Past

A look at how some custom cue builders and some production cue companies marketed there cues to potential customers before the “dot com” revolution of advertising was born.

Click on the Button Below to View the Slideshow of Older Catalogs by Some of the Top Cue Makers.

A Photo Gallery of Unique Pool Tables and Ultimate Pool Rooms

We have put together a collection of photos of some of the most beautiful public and private pool rooms, pool tables and pool settings. Just click on the purple button below and enjoy the show.

The Denny Glenn Collection

Take a few minutes to watch this video. You will be Amazed!

In Memory

Tim Scruggs

We would like to thank Bill Grassley of Cornerstone Custom Cues.
Thank you for the inspiration, sage advise and confidence.
You can find Cornerstone Custom Cues on our Valuable Links page.

Phone: 216-287-6216 / Email: